
The Association of Constitutional Justice of the Countries of the Baltic and Black Sea Regions (BBCJ) was established in 2015 on the initiative of the Constitutional Court of Moldova and the Constitutional Court of Lithuania. It also includes two other members – Constitutional Courts of Georgia and Ukraine and it is open for participation by the constitutional courts and equivalent institutions of other EU and its Eastern Partnership countries of the Baltic and Black Sea Regions.

The Association aims at promoting the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms, as well as the independence of constitutional courts, implementing the principles of the rule of law, and enhancing the exchange of experience between its members.

The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Moldova held the presidency of the BBCJ in 2016 – during the first year after the establishment of the Association, as the state having initiated the Declaration on the Establishment of the BBCJ. In 2017, the presidency of the BBCJ was taken over by the Constitutional Court of Ukraine and, in 2018, it was assumed by the Constitutional Court of Georgia. In 2019, the presidency of the Association is held by the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania.