Home Constitutional Court of the Republic of Moldova

Constitutional Court of the Republic of Moldova

Source: Constitutional Court of the Republic of Moldova

The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Moldova was established on 23 February 1995, in Chișinău, Moldova’s capital. The Court consists of 6 judges appointed by the three branches of state powers – 2 judges each – for a 6 year term. The Constitutional Court carries out its activity based on the Constitution of Moldova, Law on Constitutional Court, Constitutional Jurisdiction Code, as well as Regulations on the examination of complaints submitted before the Court. The main task of the Court is to guarantee the supremacy of the Constitution.

For more details, please visit the webpage of the Constitutional Court of Moldova.

Moldova borders with Romania to the west and Ukraine to the north, east, and south. The country has access to the Black Sea via Danube River. Moldova has a population of 4 million and covers a territory of 33.850 km2 and it declared independence on 27 August 1991. Moldova is a parliamentary republic with a president as head of state and a prime minister as head of government. In light of Court’s caselaw, the official language of Moldova is Romanian.