Home Membership


Title IV. Membership of the Association


Article 12. Membership conditions

  1. 1. Only a constitutional court or an equivalent institution of a sovereign state – member of the European Union or its Eastern Partnership or an European Union associated/candidate country of the Baltic and Black Sea regions, which is willing and able to contribute to the promotion of the principles proclaimed in the founding Declaration of the Association and to the achievement of the aims of the Association provided for in Article 4 of this Statute, may become a member of the Association. Membership shall be granted only to one institution per state.
  2. In order to become a member of the Association, the candidate shall submit a written request to the President of the Association, accompanied by a motivation letter, both signed by the President of the respective constitutional court or equivalent institution. The President of the Association shall promptly transmit the application to all members of the Association.


Article 13. Loss or suspension of membership

  1. Any member of the Association may at any moment declare their intention to withdraw from the Association. Such declaration shall be made by a written notification addressed to the President of the Association.
  2. In cases of failure to comply with the principles proclaimed in the Declaration on the Establishment of the Association or with the aims of the Association provided for in Article 5 of this Statute, the General Assembly, by a unanimous vote, at the proposal of one of its members, may take the decision to exclude a member from the Association or to suspend its membership. The member with respect to whom the decision on the loss or suspension of membership is taken shall not take part in the vote.


Article. 14. Guests of honour

The President of the Association may invite professors, representatives of state authorities, organisations, foundations, etc., as guests of honour, to the meetings of the General Assembly.


Article 15. Representation in other organizations of constitutional courts and equivalent institutions

The Association shall be represented in the Bureau of the World Conference of Constitutional Justice, the Conference of European Constitutional Courts, as well as other organisations of constitutional courts and equivalent institutions in accordance to their respective rules.